Setting the maximum number of players in the game to a lower number may improve performance. The number of players in the game can greatly affect performance, particularly for low-end systems. The more RAM the Host machine has, the better performance and stability for the players in the game. Due to the method used in the game's networking, a slow or choppy frame rate on one computer can affect the overall multiplayer game performance, especially if it's the host. All players in a multiplayer game should make sure to adjust their display resolution so that they have a smooth frame rate.
All players should play with a good frame rate. The faster the Host computer, the better overall game performance will be. During network play, it is recommended that the host computer be equal to the recommended CPU speed. Make sure the host is the fastest computer participating in the game. Try the following to improve the performance of online multiplayer games: How can I improve multiplayer game performance? You may see intermittent graphics corruption. You may see flickering in some areas of the game. Setting GLĮxtensions to OFF may cause certain issues with the game, including: We highly recommend that you leave this option at its default setting. General Information On GL Extensions & Matrox Video Cardsīy default, GL Extensions are set to ON for all video cards except the Matrox G400/450/550 series. When I Alt+Tab or task switch out of the program, I get a black or gray screen or the program does not function properly or crashes. Unable To Launch The Game With Desktop Set to 32-bit In Windows 95. The point of view is off center when using a Gravis controller. System Hangs After Clicking on Find Players Button in Windows 95 OSR2. Should I disable the Windows Power Management feature while playing the game?. I have a 16MB video card, and am experiencing graphical issues in Jedi Outcast™.
I am getting disconnected from my multiplayer game after being online for a while. Crashing After Selecting 1280x1024 or Higher Display Mode?. How do I configure my firewall or router for online play? What ports need to be opened?. How do I adjust the sound volume in the game?. How can I improve multiplayer game performance?. General Information On GL Extensions & Matrox Video Cards.